Everyone knows in life we certainly do have UP's and DOWN's. That includes everything. Nothing can escape from facing difficulties. Well, it's not a new phenomenon after all.
Well for me, the biggest challenge of all in life is to maintain a relationship. At least for my age of course. Studying in easier, being myself is easier, even apologizing could be far more easier than to maintain a relationship. Phew! Now back to real point, where should I start eyh....
Okay, the reason I'm bloging this up is to ask me myself or even to ask anyone who comes passing by in reading this.. I'm sure everyone would have more than experiences in having a loveship or in handling a relationship (well, maybe not everyone, but I'm definitely sure it's gonna be like "MAJORITY"). Why I'm saying that, it's because researches have come to show that normal people would have, like, up to more than 3 broken relationships before they ever meet their real spouse.
So my point is, when we get to relate to someone and we have 'unique' ways in handling our previous relationship, will we, like, bring in forward into our new one?? For example, the way our ex treats us?? Will we actually treat our new couple the way our ex used to treat us just because we're phobia of getting the same way of treatings again?? You know, it's just like we're escaping from getting treated the same to the extent that we treat him/her first the way we actually fear of..
Most girls do, and they get extremely over the edge when they do so. Thats why guys nowadays becomes more and more careful in picking their girl.. But little do they know that it was them all along which put girls to actually change their strategies in handling guys. ( of course not every guy in the world would act so, I'm just taking a point for example,k..)
In a girl's case (a friend I know) in real life, she and I grew up together and I actually know every single bit of her previous relaltionship. This guy S (not the real name k..) treats her the way I obviously should say CRUEL although he loves her. On what purpose did i mentioned cruel?? It's because he never gave her the opportunity to show up, or to express her thoughts in their relationship. Everything that the guy said would be a MUST and FINAL decision. Woah! So, how's that to your opinion guys??
Everytime they quarrel, the guy would knocked her down with words although not harsh words, but very pinningful which ends up her tounge's tied up and follow his rules. You guys would probably think that she hates her bf right?? Well, actually SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH and to me that sure is insane.. Until one day, I couldn't take it no more seeing her crying helplessly everytime they quarrel. So I approached her and asked:
Me: Hw could u be so strong in loving him though he treats u badly? Where on earth did u ever get the strength??
True enough that love makes us blind..
Girl: He is my first love and every single thing that he did wouldn't make me love him a bit less than today, even if I had to face it being hurt almost everyweek.
Good gracious me!! Now, that's what I named ridiculous.. Imagine being hurt almost every week, and you still say you love him.. TOTALLY INSANE & BLINDED BY LOVE~~ She remained like that UNTIL the guy left her and what happened??
(Do u guys really wanna now??)

Ok, she went crazy like hell!! But still begging the guy to come back to her. Really pity her but I guess that was the best for her that the guy leaves so that she would no longer be hurt by him. For months she wept for him when she's back home in her room, from a neat pretty lass she changed into a miserable looking and untidy too..
(Love does makes BIG changes in life huh..?? Scary if it's the negative part)
I tried cheering her up.. being with her, motivating her until she came back to real life again and after a few months (almost a year actually), she met with a guy. Though still hoping for her ex bf to return to her but she accept him because she was lonely and thought of giving this new guy a chance.
What actually happened in her was....
She was afraid that this new guy would treat her the same as her ex bf. So, not wanted to be treated like the past, she started it first to treat him the same not knowing the new guy was also treated the same way by his ex gf too wanted to start treating her the same because he feared that she would do the same like his ex.. Duhh..! Complicated and tis' situation is starting to give me a headache.. huhu..
So, what next??
Because of that, at the early stage of their relationship they quarrel almost EVERYDAY!! hahah! Stupid! But they still stick to one another. Little by little, they realized that they shouldn't react like both their ex's and just be themselves. There was no point of fearing each other because both of them had that pureness in heart, which is pure love towards one another. Oww..How sweet eyh.. heheh..

Well, there was nothing to be serious about gettin' used to it, nor gettin' used to wanna do it anyway.. Heheh.. It's just being you yourself and that's the solution to everything. Let people accept you of who you are, not of who they want you to be. If they don't, well it's not a problem anyway..
And the couples?? They're happy until now being the most loving couple you could ever think of.. Quarrels? Of course they do argue at times, but that's just another stepping stone to a brighter future together.. Heheh

*TQs for reading..hope you've enjoyed it*
hrmmm....so long...hope u wont use it to preach dear...
what makes u think i'm gonna preach with tis' switheart?? heheh..
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