The Way I Am

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Does love requires REASONS???

Does LOVE requires reasons to be given or to be accepted?? (In other words, do we need reasons to love and to be loved??)

Heheh... Where on earth did I get such topic all of sudden?? After gardening session yesterday evening (it's witching hours now..huhu), my housemates and I felt like cooking for dinner so throughout the "cooking" (cooking or sitting and chat owh?? heheh.. whatever lah..), we kinda get our interest on how couples in the new era really think of love.. (ahaks! as if we were adults! duhh..!) But, Hello?? We're not girls anymore, not yet to be call women too..(thats obvious ain't it?) heheh.. makes me remember Britney's words.. "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman" hikhik.. Owh..that does it..Back to the storyline vel....

Ok, couples nowadays had their mindset that whenever a guy or a girl falls for them, there is sure to be something which has got to be in them that makes the other sex likes them. That is true for sure, but does it mean LOVE?? Does love requires all that hanky panky stuff to grow inside us?? (Still blurry eyh??..)

Well, here's an illustration which tinkles my bell to follow up with this topic that I bet would steal your attention for a moment. =)

This takes place near a beatiful lake, a newly wed couple were having their evening walk. As usual, they would stop at their favourite bench spot to enjoy the beautiful scenery. But, on that day the wife suddenly ask her husband.....

W : Hubby, why do u like me? Why do u love me??

(suprised by the odd question...the husband answered....)

H : I can't find the exact words to explain why I like u or why I love u hunny, but I really love u from the bottom of my heart.

W : You can't explain? Then how come u said u love me if u can't explain??

H : It's true, I don't know the reason but I can prove to u that I really love u eventhough I can't explain.

W : No BUT's! No need for prove! I only want u to explain to me why u love me. All my colleagues have had their answers from their love ones. Some of them even got their answers through poems and songs. Unlike u, u can't even explain it but u dare say u love me..

Upon hearing that, her husband took a deep breath and said..

H : Alright! I love u because you're gorgeous in my eyes, you have that sweet voice, because you're caring and because I'm always on your mind. I also like you because I'm touched by your sweet smile and my love abides with you through every footstep you take.

Yeahh! For sure his wife was satisfied BUT a few days later his wife met with an accident an became unconcious. He was so sad that he wrote her a letter which then he placed beside her bed in the hospital. He wrote....

"Hunny, if it was because of your sweet voice that I love you, can u speak now? No! Then I have no reason to love you now.. If it was because of your love and care and also that I'm always on your mind that I love you, will you be able to show it now?? No! Then I have no reason to love you now.. If it was because of your sweet smile that I love you, can you now smile?? No! So, I have no reason anymore to love you.. If it was because that my love abides in every footstep that you take, can you now walk? No! If so I can't love you. If love requires reasons, how about now?? I don't have any reasons left to love you. DOES LOVE REQUIRES REASONS?? NO! I will still love you yesterday, now and forever without reasons because as I've told you before I REALLY LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.."

Sometimes, the BEST and the MOST BEAUTIFUL things couldn't be seen and touch. Even so, we still can feel it in our hearts..


Hungry Iban said...

it's beautiful to see such young girl have a mind built like you. nowadays girls are too 'easy' to get!

Anonymous said...

sweet=)0ww ya..kwu mta bl0g aku kn?

Anonymous said...

cheh..pat juak komen sia..shooh shooh...!

Psychorobust said...

pat, the 2nd anonymous comment is ur notie bro's.. heheh...