Friday, September 12, 2008
Puasa??? Raya??? (first part)
Raya is already around the corner, although it's just 12 days, but everyone is like ALOOHA! waiting for it..
What are we wearing this year?? We're still arguing on the colour (biasalah kan..u can have lotsa baju raya, but stil u must have one of the same colour with the family..) phew! I already have one red kebaya done.. Now looking for another two.. huhu..
Just can't wait to blog out this raya's event..really wanna share with you guys.. It's my third raya here this year.. I hope my foster siblings does remind me taking lotsa pics this year..
Hehehe.. Speaking of hair style?? I just did my hair treatment last sunday, before raya I think I'll go do something to style it up.. Liyana just got her hair curl.. NICE! hehe.. The guys?? I don't think that matters much..Its $$$ they're up to.. Owh yeah, where's our kampung?? Melaka daa..
Alright, gotta go now.. Bazaar Ramadhan is calling for the tummy..
Update again later.. Bye..
~My Love Ones~
(me and my foster sis)
It's been long enough since I last update my blog.. A thousand apologies to all my fwens..especially to sister Pat, thanx sis for your concern on me and my blog here..I will try to keep updated from now since I'm not that busy now..It has been a really hectic semester I should say, as a result I hardly get a chance to peek or stop by, what more to say to wanna update it.. huhu..
Probably some would actually realized new pictures of new faces on your right.. Yes, glad to introduce them to you readers (friends especially).
Taking the pic with me is nurul liyana a.k.a achik.. My foster sister.. Later below is syaril idzlan a.k.a BoY.. Below it is muzakkir a.k.a angah.. My foster brother..he is so very the manja..
There were the ones with me entirely this semester, not forgetting to mention my foster parents (their parents).. Really thank them for evrything..
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Little Tips For Big Results... =)
- hormones you develop during puberty can make your ggums more sensitive-and prone to gum disease! Flossing helps get rid of the bacteria that causes gum disease and can also help stop other infections from entering your system. Plus, it fights cavities and keeps your breath kissably fresh!
- if you have cravings to eat but don't feel hungry, guess what? You could be thirsty. Instead of snacking for no reason, drink H2O throughout the day. You'll think better in class too-even a mild case of dehydration affects your memory, math skills, and concentration.
3. TAKE A T-O.
- of course stress is bad, but want to know why? It can cause breakouts, sleep loss, headaches, eating issues, and even diarrhea. But meditating every day can reduce your anxiety, mellow you put about school drama, and even ease PMS symptoms! Twice daily, close your eyes for five minutes, sit quietly, and breath deeply. Just set the alarm on your cell phone so you don't keep checking the clock
- teens need nine hours of sleep a night-which is hard to get when you have practice, homework, and hit guys to IM! but try going to sleep 45 minutes earlier than usual: You'll be more focused at school, get better grades, and feel happier.
- int he darker, shorter days of February and March, soak up every drop of sunlight you can. (it ups your level of serotonin, a mood-boosting hormone.) Put on sunscreen and take in 15 minutes of the sun's rays every day. (They come through even on cloudy days!) If you can't put down the Wii, get dropped off 10 blocks from school so you can walk a bit!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
To My Friends Who Are.....??????
L ove is like a butterfly .
The more you chase it , the more it eludes you.
But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.
2. To My Friends Who are............ NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's "perfect person."
It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
3. To My Friends Who Are............ PLAYBOY/ GIRL TYPE
N ever say "I love you" if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart . Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways...
4. To My Friends Who Are............ MARRIED
Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry ." Not "where are you", but "I'm right here." Not "how could you", but "I understand." Not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are."
5. To My Friends Who Are............ ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but how good you are for each other.
6. To My Friends Who Are............ HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them .
7. To My Friends Who Are............ NAIVE
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, and get hurt but never keep the pain.
8. To My Friends Who Are............ POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
9. To My Friends Who Are............ AFRAID TO CONFESS
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.
10. To My Friends Who Are............ STILL HOLDING ON
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....
11. TO ALL MY FRIENDS.......
My wish for you is a man/woman whose love is honest, strong, mature, never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging, rewarding and unselfish..

Saturday, April 26, 2008
good luck everyone.... :)
For those in schools, mid sem examinations is in another 3 weeks if i'm not mistaken.. So, study smart and be prepared alright.. hehe..
For those taking public examinations this year, how far have you revise?? Haven't?? Well, it's not yet too late to start but you better be quick for time doesn't wait...
To my dear hubby, good luck in your finals for this semester sayang.. I know you can..and i'm always here beside you dear...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Silat?? Who me?? XD
(can u see me?? i'm d only girl performing... huhu..)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Happy 18th Birthday Everly...
Hye there, meet my "adik angkat", Everly Peter Sutar.. She just turn 18 today..
This post is dedicated just for u dear..and it shall always remain in my blog just for u.. May u have a nice birthday this year, an enjoyable moment with your friends and may u succeed in every undertakings in future life.. Though we're far apart, but never shall forget u.. This blog here symbols a present for your 18th birthday.. (hehe..if u want a real one, than have to wait till i get back to sarawak lorh..) Anyway, take care and God Bless You..
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Holistic & Conventional medicine???
HOLISTIC medicine is an approach to health that deals with the patient as a whole and not merely with the physical symptoms of illness. It defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and takes into account the underlying feelings and emotion of an individual in addition to treating the symptoms of his illness.
The holistic approach is used in many alternative forms of therapy such as homeopathy, naturopathy and acupuncture. Holistic practitioners view health as a balance of the mental, emotional, spiritual as well as physical aspects of a person. All these aspects are interrelated and any disharmony is thought to stress the body and perhaps bring about illness. In asition, the mind and body are brought to have a natural capacity to self-regulate toward equilibirium, or "homeostasis", the maintenance of which is the key to good health. Thus, when equilibirium is disrupted, holistic practitioners work in partnership with the patient, focusing on all aspects of his or her life, to restore balance and promote self-healing.
Conventional Western Medicine, in contrast, defines health as an absence of disease. The main causes of illness are considered to be pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, and chemical imbalance in the body. Scientific tests are often used in diagnosis, and drugs and surgery are among the main tools for dealing with health problems.
A common misunderstanding is that holistic medicine only applies to alternative practitioners. In fact, many conventional doctors take a holistic approach, considering patients in the context of their lifestyle and emphasising health education and self-care. Psychiatrist and psychologists also approve the use of holistic principles. On the other hand, not all alyternative therapies are "holistic," nor are they necessarily "unscientific". Some alternative practitioners, for example, might focus only on certain physical symptoms in a way similar conventional doctors. Therapies such as osteopathy and chiropathic, which involves the manipulation of the musculo-skeletal structure,are in many ways as practical and grounded in anatomy and phatology as conventional medicine.
With the growing interest in holistic medicine, many healthcare systems are now moving towards a complementary or integrated approach in medicine. This approach combines the best in mainstream conventional medicine and alternative therapy. For instance, while a conventional doctor with an integrated approach would not only treat symptoms with medication, but also address underlying causes, such as allergic reaction or anxiety, and investigate the patient's emotional makeup. The doctor might suggest counselling as a strategy for coping with asthma attacks, or the purchase of secial bedding to minimize house dust mites if they trigger attacks. A complementary practitioners might prescribe a herbal remedy to relax bronchial muscles, a diet to eliminate food intolerances, acupuncture to restore the flow of energy, or essential oil massages to help the patient relax.
So, how's that?? Does that help?? Do let me know..I'm waiting forward to your response dear..Hope you won't get more confuse after reading this k..
Sunday, April 6, 2008
My Love Ones....
My sister, Michelle Valentina. Born on 14th February 1990. Sometimes she makes me worried with her up and abouts. She's obedient (with me, she is...), BUT MISCHIEVIOUS!!

Now, here's the YOUNGEST PRINCESS in the house.. Gwyn (pronounce as Gwen).. 13 year old sister. Very Very MISCHIEVIOUS.. Gives me headaches all the time..eventhough I'm in Jaybee.. Still remember a few days back, on April Fool, she text me saying she was PREGNANT!! OmG!! She did it so well that I got hooked! Stupid, you almost gave me a HEART-ATTACK sisteR!!
My two nieces, Charlene & Darlene.. Actually 3 of them.. Where's Marlene?? Heheh.. Dunnoe, eating perhaps.. =)
Sharon's eldest daughter, Davon here.. The most CONGEK & BINGKING one of all.. Only speaks CHINESE and no other language.. Duhh..!! Susah lorh ini budak... Hahah.. Belum Christine lagi, that's her younger sister..
Ashton in da house.. The youngest guy in the family so far.. I haven't got Marvin, Aaron and Avril's pix yet.. Maybe later lah k... Rod, someone told me he looks somewhere similar to you.. Maybe, I can't guess either.. hehe..

Jonathan's only daughter, the closest one to me to the extend that she looks more like me compare to her own mum... hehe.. Francesca Joanne is the name.. Call her Chika... Mish u cyg...
So, u might realized that there are mostly girls in my family.. Yup, exactly!! More likely the same with the Japanese monarchy, it's so hard to see male(s) in the family.. Heheh..
My 3 other siblings, Sharon, Charles a.k.a Jeff and Glenn are the most tiresome ones when it comes to taking photo(s). So, I have to arrange an appointment to meet them in person because they are so like minister(s) taking care of the nation.. Cheh! nation lah konon.. Padah jaklah kaki rayau.. Ahaks!!
What Your Hair Says About You..
Experts say that the way you wear your hair during downtime tells a ton about your passion preferences.
Pulled Back in a Ponytail
While it seems like an innocent schoolyard do, ponytail wearers tend to be surprisingly bold between the sheets. "In fact, pulling your hair away from your eyes rather than hiding behind it indicates sexual self-confidence," says Ian Kerner, PhD, author of Be Honest — You're Not That into Him Either.
Hot love tip: You like your lovemaking fast and furious. Surprise your guy (and yourself) by lighting a few candles and slowing down the action long enough to enjoy some extended nooky sessions.
Superstyled — Even at Home
If you always look like you just stepped out of the salon even when you're home alone, you love order and consistency in all of your personal encounters. In fact, says Alan Pease, author of Body Language, you may be happiest when you're orchestrating an erotic encounter rather than following his lead.
Hot love tip: Always being in control may keep you from surrendering to the moment. Tonight, have him blindfold you, so you're forced to lose control — and let him take over.
Wild and Free Hair
Loving your hair's untamed state is a sign that you're comfortable in your own skin. "You're likely to be relaxed about life, love and sex," says Kerner. "You'll let yourself go in bed without fear of getting mussed up." You're happy to do the deed wherever you get the erotic urge.
Hot love tip: Love running your fingers through your own hair? Gestures like that usually mean you're longing to do it to your guy, reveals Kerner. So touch him where you like to be touched, and he'll probably return the favor.
Thrown Up in a Messy Bun
Chances are, you crave glamour in the boudoir. And, says Pease, bun girls really enjoy male attention. "The neck is the most sexual part of a woman's body, so exposing it is a subconscious way of flirting and showing you're available," he notes. Your ideal warm-up includes sipping drinks in a petal-strewn tub and kissing on satin sheets.
Hot love tip: A new guy might think you're high-maintenance, so let him know that his romantic efforts are worth it — once revved, you're capable of rich, sensuous love trysts.
Don't believe me?? Hehe..Just admit it lorh.. Anyway, what's mine huh?? =) Ahaks.. No offence..
Friday, April 4, 2008
Lagu Rindu....
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
How's Exco Gurl goin' on?? xD
Yesterday was unlike any of the other days I've had. I have an assignment to submit AND a proposal to study and retype. I only slept for two hours before I set my fingers on the keyboard and my eyes like glue to the screen at 5 a.m.. I had to submit my assignment before 5 p.m (well, it's the same everywhere) and the proposal should be done before 11 a.m.. What the...!! HES just gave me the proposal on the 31st and he wants it on the 1st of April. What is this?? An April FOoL joke or something??
(buat kira2 lorh.. proposal jak..nothing else kah in this world...)
I didn't even have my breakfast, by 10 a.m my assignment was done. Then to retype the proposal but still have to add in some more ideas. Goshh! This is CRAZYYYYY! Done with the typing thingy by 11 a.m, I rushed to the bathroom to get my bath.. I'm LATE!!!
( to make this thing interesting...??)
Rushed to the office without stopping by for lunch, we headed straight to the meeting room and discussed about it. Phew! My proposal was accepted and for the first time, the MPP's proposal was praise for the effort of making it really show up.. =) Thanx to me, u guys.. We'll be in BIG trouble if I didn't sacrifice my sleeping hours.. Our meeting with the HES make its way until 4p.m..
Then, arrive home at 4.15pm, I had to get ready my presentation on another event which is just around the corner. OmG!! Can't help it, I snooze off unconciously..huhu..until hubby sent me a message..then doze off again until quarter past 6p.m.. Goodness me, I'm LATE AGAIN!!! Thanx to hubby wit' his carrom thingy..but nevermind..
Got scolded by warden because of my late attends.. Hurgh!! Doesn't she ever experience real BUSY-ness... That's it, then at 8 p.m I went to have my dinner (or should I call it bfast + lunch + dinner = brunchinner), I came to realized that it was my first drink and meal for the day.. NO kiding, IT IS my first drink down my throat.. Good Gracious me!! How could I not realize... And yet, I still ran all over the place the whole day.. Can't explain where on earth did I get those energy which keeps me on the go! MY STORY DOESN"T ENDS HERE...
(looking at the calendar to check for the right fix date.. huhu.. BUT my fwens started to advertised my hair lorh... hrmm..banyak hal lah korunk niyh..)
8.30 p.m I rushed from the cafe leaving aten and the others behind enjoying their dinner.. I have another meeting of the day.. Sharp 9 p.m, my exhausted body entered the meeting room and we had our meeting until 11 p.m..
(finally I took my pix because of housemates sure knows how to release my tense... thank gurls....)
(exhausted face lorh...pale and restless.. I'm having panda eyes now.. Oh NO!! need my beauty sleep after this.. kihkih..)
Worhh!! I've had a real hectic day yesterday and I hope I won't have to undergo that situation again. But, I don't think so...huhu...sure enough I'll be busier than that.. hrmm..
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fool guy... Hehehe....
He's my cousin.. hehe.. same age with me.. Although older just a few months than me,but all of us know the story.. heheh.. Cause' it's special..though whacky and funny..
Boy was born on April Fool 19 years ago.. His dad at that time was in the military. At the time of boy's deliverance, his grandma gave his dad a call to tell him of the good news.. Boy's dad was aware of April Fool's Day because boy's grandma is extremely GOOD in jokes so he just laughed and tell her THANKS for the joke and hanged up. Ahaks.. Boy's grandma was mad by then, called him again but the same thing happened.. huehue.. Her final solution was to inform the commandant, and let him inform boy's dad..
You might think that it worked huh?? Kihkihkihkih.... NO! Ahaks.. When the camp commandant got him informed, he laugh and said,
"another april fool trick and the same tactic too..".
The commandant burst out in laughter and said,
"hahah, u moron.. Why believe in Fools Day when ur son is born. Come, let's go to the hospital. You'll see that it's true.."
Upon realizing the real thing, boy's dad packed his stuff and off to the hospital they went.
Hahahahah!! Pity boy lorh.. Until now, everyt 1st April we will sure to remember boy's birthday because of his unique birth day.. heheh
Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Alley!!

(after camp....)
(muka freshie masuk maktab perguruan gaya... penuh bergaya gitu.. =) )
I dedicate this one to one of my bestfwen, Alviana Fedora.. Happy Birthday Alley.. =) God bless u always and although all of us are not together this year, we shall always UNITE as one.. (the word UNITE makes me recall back the time I present Charlie Company's flag..) 6 January 2007, which makes me really well-known since then in camp to the further extend that I was called ''a future lawyer" by camp friends til' now. Lorh...mish camplife again.. huhue.. x)
Back to the real point, Alley...thanx for being a real friend and hope to stay close as real friends.. Hope to meet you soon.. Take ur best in all ur undertakings.. We,my friend, will always support u from any directions as we always did before.. Friendships forever.. =)
Friday, March 28, 2008
how am i today..?? hrmm...
Just dunnoe what should my itchy fingers blog today.. Hrmm..maybe a lil' quote could cheer up a bit.. heheh..
We always know that looking back on tears would make us laugh but lil' that we know by looking back on laughs would make us cry...
Life isn't always ideal or romantic,but it's ok..just learn to appreciate and forgive..and you will make the best of your life..
How hard izit to get a real friend?? The one that won't cheat u? The one that never put their backs on you? The one that stays wit u even in times of sadness and being lonely?
We often heard in life nowadays that friends only exist in times of hapiness but can hardly see one in times of bad luck etc. But of all those friends, I really appreciate a person.. He never is wit me during my gud times, I know why.. It's better because we both have our own ways and and our own special love ones.. We wouldn't want to change the gud times into the bad ones just because our love one turns green.. heheh.. But he's always there in times of need.. That's one thing that really make me respect him.. He's just like a bro to me (no more than that...) In any situation, he would always advice me to forgive and appreciate what I have..cause' I might have better than those of bad luck.. heheh.. Yeahh..I agree on that.. One thing to share with you all which he adviced me years back:
1. Treat the person how u wanna be treated, and dont ever treat a person the way u never wanna be treat.
2. To make them realized their mistakes is to tell them straight in the first place, if it doesn't work then let them feel what it's like to be treated that way.. (in a considerate mode k..)
Does it help u?? Let me know oaite.. hehe..
Thursday, March 27, 2008
U're so U Exco...
It's late but i have to admit i just woke up at 10a.m.. Couldn't be help..our meeting ended around 12 last night.. and I haven't had dinner even cause' it was an emergency meeting.. Duhh!! After silat training at 7p.m, I got d message saying "mpp meeting in half an hour".. What the...! Great!!
Urghh!! What now?? Luckily I've got an understanding bf (can't entertain him lorh.. =) )... I'm one of the exco's here.. (Kesenian, Kebudayaan & Warisan..) Yeap!! That's mine oaite..
My troop is coming over to SARAWAK tis June.. OmG!! heheh.. I'm in-charged of the whole thing.. Phew!! God bless me.. Our trip is scheduled 1st - 5th June.. 2 days in Betong and 3 days in Kuching.. Hope it goes out well.. Everythings almost done by now.. Pity me.. Have to catch-up with everything. Studies, finals, asgmnts, tutorials,silat tournament and personals.. hehe.. Phew!! heheh.. You might think I'm not busy..If only you see me here.. hehe.. Meals would be the last thing on my list.. Sometimes have to end the day without dinner.. and sometimes start the day without brunch.. My tutors and mates would have to force me to get my meals..and FINISH it! I'm not the person who finish meals though BUT they have to force me cause' I hardly have mine.. Thanks for being concern u guys..
Last night after my presentation, Prof just smile and said to me "u're SO U Exco" hehe.. Eventually, I'm the youngest..but with BIG responsibilities.. Yeaahh prof, I had to agree that I'm just SO me.. hehe.. Cause' I am me in my own ways.. huhu..
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Does love requires REASONS???
Heheh... Where on earth did I get such topic all of sudden?? After gardening session yesterday evening (it's witching hours now..huhu), my housemates and I felt like cooking for dinner so throughout the "cooking" (cooking or sitting and chat owh?? heheh.. whatever lah..), we kinda get our interest on how couples in the new era really think of love.. (ahaks! as if we were adults! duhh..!) But, Hello?? We're not girls anymore, not yet to be call women too..(thats obvious ain't it?) heheh.. makes me remember Britney's words.. "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman" hikhik.. Owh..that does it..Back to the storyline vel....
Ok, couples nowadays had their mindset that whenever a guy or a girl falls for them, there is sure to be something which has got to be in them that makes the other sex likes them. That is true for sure, but does it mean LOVE?? Does love requires all that hanky panky stuff to grow inside us?? (Still blurry eyh??..)
Well, here's an illustration which tinkles my bell to follow up with this topic that I bet would steal your attention for a moment. =)
This takes place near a beatiful lake, a newly wed couple were having their evening walk. As usual, they would stop at their favourite bench spot to enjoy the beautiful scenery. But, on that day the wife suddenly ask her husband.....
W : Hubby, why do u like me? Why do u love me??
(suprised by the odd question...the husband answered....)
H : I can't find the exact words to explain why I like u or why I love u hunny, but I really love u from the bottom of my heart.
W : You can't explain? Then how come u said u love me if u can't explain??
H : It's true, I don't know the reason but I can prove to u that I really love u eventhough I can't explain.
W : No BUT's! No need for prove! I only want u to explain to me why u love me. All my colleagues have had their answers from their love ones. Some of them even got their answers through poems and songs. Unlike u, u can't even explain it but u dare say u love me..
Upon hearing that, her husband took a deep breath and said..
H : Alright! I love u because you're gorgeous in my eyes, you have that sweet voice, because you're caring and because I'm always on your mind. I also like you because I'm touched by your sweet smile and my love abides with you through every footstep you take.
Yeahh! For sure his wife was satisfied BUT a few days later his wife met with an accident an became unconcious. He was so sad that he wrote her a letter which then he placed beside her bed in the hospital. He wrote....
"Hunny, if it was because of your sweet voice that I love you, can u speak now? No! Then I have no reason to love you now.. If it was because of your love and care and also that I'm always on your mind that I love you, will you be able to show it now?? No! Then I have no reason to love you now.. If it was because of your sweet smile that I love you, can you now smile?? No! So, I have no reason anymore to love you.. If it was because that my love abides in every footstep that you take, can you now walk? No! If so I can't love you. If love requires reasons, how about now?? I don't have any reasons left to love you. DOES LOVE REQUIRES REASONS?? NO! I will still love you yesterday, now and forever without reasons because as I've told you before I REALLY LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.."
Monday, March 24, 2008
When the HEART sings, it means the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.... Real story...
"Permintaan Terakhir" or also known as "Nyanyian Penjara" video here is a reality. It's a true story about a guy named A who killed his girlfriend B (his wife in another week actually) and his girl's ex. When this song was created, A was in jail waiting for his "death call" and this song was his last wish.
According to the story, A have been waiting for B one year before they declare their relationship. He loves her so much that he would do anything just for her and would never let her go. But a week before their "special day", her ex-boyfriend named Z suddenly return to her and wanted her to return to him. Without further hesitation, the girl left A to be with Z.
With love so deep, the way B left him to be with Z eventually blows a small fire into a wrath! There was no mercy in A's thoughts. He murdered both his girl and her ex.
A wish he could escape death sentence if he surrenders himself to the police but later he realized it was impossible so he request for his friends to help him in jail with the song. ( the video above is only a show thing..pls do go see it in youtube for more..)
This gives me a point of thought that we should actually appreciate our partner. It might be easy to love a person, but do the person loves us much as we love them? It might be easy to be love, but do we love them as much as they do??
Friends, being loyal is a must in every relationship. Being trustworthy is a relationship's "Star of victory ". Being understanding is another important point. This is for all of you out there...
Never say I LOVE YOU, if you don't really care.
Never talk about feelings, if they aren't really there.
Never hold my hand, if you're gonna break my heart.
Never say you're going to... , if you don't plan to start.
Never LOOK INTO MY EYES, if all you DO is lie.
Never say HI, if you really mean GOODBYE.
IF YOU REALLY MEAN FOREVER, then say you will try.
But, NEVER SAY FOREVER, cause forever makes me cry....
To anyone out there, please don't play with people's feelings.. If you ever did once, then it's time to stop. Think of how hurt they'd be. Think of how you'd feel if you're in their boots.
To risk my love I'll never ever do, when I say I LOVE HIM it's REALLY REALLY TRUE..
Deep in my heart....
When a GIRL.......
Millions of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around.
When a GIRL answers "I'm fine" after a few seconds,
She is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you,
She is wondering why are you lying.
When a GIRL lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a GIRL calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention.
When a girl sms's you everyday,
She wants you to reply at least once.
When a GIRL says I love you,
She means it.
When a GIRL says that she can't live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her future.
When a GIRL says "I miss you",
No one in this world can miss you more than her.................
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Bestfriends Forever!!!
Sylvia Bunga ( a nice charming girl... heheh)
(my so called "twin sissy" in camp..Anthianne Willy Badi)
Alviana Fedora (woitt makcik! She's da one chasing me to the bathroom if I miss a second late to bath.. heheh.. miss camp life so much!!)
(This is me, the notie one among us..should say the middle of 5)
I dedicate this one to my BF's (heheh..don't get me wrong.. It's BESTFRIENDS!!)
It's a pity i don't have one more pic of our friend to complete the gang, Dayang.. (dyg, iboh manas k.. lak ku dapat gamba kwu, ku edit.. heheh..)
All of us are now studying in different places..but hope to reunite as we are before.. MISH U GURLS SO MUCH!!!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Gettin' used to it, or getting used to wanna do it??
Everyone knows in life we certainly do have UP's and DOWN's. That includes everything. Nothing can escape from facing difficulties. Well, it's not a new phenomenon after all.
Well for me, the biggest challenge of all in life is to maintain a relationship. At least for my age of course. Studying in easier, being myself is easier, even apologizing could be far more easier than to maintain a relationship. Phew! Now back to real point, where should I start eyh....
Okay, the reason I'm bloging this up is to ask me myself or even to ask anyone who comes passing by in reading this.. I'm sure everyone would have more than experiences in having a loveship or in handling a relationship (well, maybe not everyone, but I'm definitely sure it's gonna be like "MAJORITY"). Why I'm saying that, it's because researches have come to show that normal people would have, like, up to more than 3 broken relationships before they ever meet their real spouse.
So my point is, when we get to relate to someone and we have 'unique' ways in handling our previous relationship, will we, like, bring in forward into our new one?? For example, the way our ex treats us?? Will we actually treat our new couple the way our ex used to treat us just because we're phobia of getting the same way of treatings again?? You know, it's just like we're escaping from getting treated the same to the extent that we treat him/her first the way we actually fear of..
Most girls do, and they get extremely over the edge when they do so. Thats why guys nowadays becomes more and more careful in picking their girl.. But little do they know that it was them all along which put girls to actually change their strategies in handling guys. ( of course not every guy in the world would act so, I'm just taking a point for example,k..)
In a girl's case (a friend I know) in real life, she and I grew up together and I actually know every single bit of her previous relaltionship. This guy S (not the real name k..) treats her the way I obviously should say CRUEL although he loves her. On what purpose did i mentioned cruel?? It's because he never gave her the opportunity to show up, or to express her thoughts in their relationship. Everything that the guy said would be a MUST and FINAL decision. Woah! So, how's that to your opinion guys??
Everytime they quarrel, the guy would knocked her down with words although not harsh words, but very pinningful which ends up her tounge's tied up and follow his rules. You guys would probably think that she hates her bf right?? Well, actually SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH and to me that sure is insane.. Until one day, I couldn't take it no more seeing her crying helplessly everytime they quarrel. So I approached her and asked:
Me: Hw could u be so strong in loving him though he treats u badly? Where on earth did u ever get the strength??
True enough that love makes us blind..
Girl: He is my first love and every single thing that he did wouldn't make me love him a bit less than today, even if I had to face it being hurt almost everyweek.
Good gracious me!! Now, that's what I named ridiculous.. Imagine being hurt almost every week, and you still say you love him.. TOTALLY INSANE & BLINDED BY LOVE~~ She remained like that UNTIL the guy left her and what happened??
(Do u guys really wanna now??)

Ok, she went crazy like hell!! But still begging the guy to come back to her. Really pity her but I guess that was the best for her that the guy leaves so that she would no longer be hurt by him. For months she wept for him when she's back home in her room, from a neat pretty lass she changed into a miserable looking and untidy too..
(Love does makes BIG changes in life huh..?? Scary if it's the negative part)
I tried cheering her up.. being with her, motivating her until she came back to real life again and after a few months (almost a year actually), she met with a guy. Though still hoping for her ex bf to return to her but she accept him because she was lonely and thought of giving this new guy a chance.
What actually happened in her was....
She was afraid that this new guy would treat her the same as her ex bf. So, not wanted to be treated like the past, she started it first to treat him the same not knowing the new guy was also treated the same way by his ex gf too wanted to start treating her the same because he feared that she would do the same like his ex.. Duhh..! Complicated and tis' situation is starting to give me a headache.. huhu..
So, what next??
Because of that, at the early stage of their relationship they quarrel almost EVERYDAY!! hahah! Stupid! But they still stick to one another. Little by little, they realized that they shouldn't react like both their ex's and just be themselves. There was no point of fearing each other because both of them had that pureness in heart, which is pure love towards one another. Oww..How sweet eyh.. heheh..

Well, there was nothing to be serious about gettin' used to it, nor gettin' used to wanna do it anyway.. Heheh.. It's just being you yourself and that's the solution to everything. Let people accept you of who you are, not of who they want you to be. If they don't, well it's not a problem anyway..
And the couples?? They're happy until now being the most loving couple you could ever think of.. Quarrels? Of course they do argue at times, but that's just another stepping stone to a brighter future together.. Heheh

*TQs for reading..hope you've enjoyed it*
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Stupid Couples!! (Part 2)
Lucky me, it was an open book test. I'll surely go insane if it wasn't. So, u might think that was a HAPPY ENDING right?? NOT AT ALL.. Right after the Law test, our oral was suppose to take place and I'm totally not in the mood. So, I just left college and went back straight to my room with Adik following behind. She was as angry as I was too..but obviously I'm angrier cause I wouldn't have left all the team members without hesitate.
The others continue to join the next class which is ORAL.. They tried giving all kinds of excuses just because me and Adik wasn't there. Sir Tarmizi decline, and wanted the oral thingy to be settle the very same day.. Ahaks! All 4 of them were desperate by then and tried all sorts of soft words to melt down my anger, but since it's very hard to see me in a wrath, so u would have guess correctly that I didn't fall for any of their words. Pity them, but I have to teach them a lesson. A lesson for not being serious when I say it's VERY IMPORTANT to me. I wanted to help them in the first place but they wouldn't like wanna help themselves, so that's it!!
Then, as I was just about to have my first bite (lunchtime that was), my phone rang and I just hand it over to Adik. She told me the message that Sir wants our group to present our oral by hook or by crook at 4 p.m the same day. I gave it a thought, and after lotsa apologizing messages from the team members, I finally agreed.
Since there was still time for us, I told them to practise and that I want no excuses and be on time, which would be 2 p.m SHARP!!
And there they were, 2 p.m sharp waiting for me. We started the practise, tis' time beatifully and I appreciate their effort for not putting me down. Exactly 4 p.m, we entered the lecture hall and Sir Tarmizi was already waiting with 3 other teams. I apologized for running out of track and we continued the sketch thingy. Praise God, everything went out right and Sir sure did enjoy our presentation. =)
Later after the presentation, I gave my friends advices that I hope they will never forget. And for sure they'll never forget what i mean evertime I mention SERIOUS.. heheheh.. Stupid couples eyh?? huhu..
***********************the end************************
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Stupid Couples!! ( Part 1)
Since it was our busiest day all throughout, I gave them a chance to have a chat on the phone with their hubbies.. (well, i have to tolerate..that's normal) The moment it clocked 2 a.m, i gave them a hint that I'm sleepy and we're gonna be early birds tomorrow since our class starts early. Me, Nana, Aten and Adik we're at the table already, waiting for her to hang up. (Her bf is actually part of our oral group tomorrow!) I waited for another 15minutes, she still chats on the phone as if there'll be no tomorrows to chat. Gosh!!! She's getting me mad and I'm damn sleepy! What does she thinks I am? An owl?
2.30 a.m sharp I decided to leave! That's it. Before I EXPLODE LIKE non of the things anyone could imagine, it might be better that I leave.. Someone might get hurt by my words if I stayed longer waiting for a "NOT WORTH IT" chat to end. I just said bye to the rest and went out slamming the door with HIGH HOPES that she knew I'm damn angry at her.. And her bf is such a STUPID MORON too. He should know that we're having a practise, as if they won't meet tomorrow morning!! Duhh..! That's what i called Stupid Couples!!
P/s: Thats why adik, aten and i always mention to her and her bf, ''orang lain pun bercinta juga".. She on the other hand took it as a compliment and smile.. Stupid!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
What?? So fast meh??
I still remember every pathways inside the camp, every activities and i have a whole calendar of the everyday routines.. Friends come and go, so does friends we made in camp, but we wont forget every faces.. Its like brothers and sisters life, we eat together, work together and live together..
Owh dear, if ever we got the chance to turn back time, we just hope to just stay there even til forever.. Apart from being restless at the end of each day, and had to rose up as early as 5am everyday, everyone was so happy and merry.. Not to mention not enough sleep gain, as we were all on our feet from 5am till 11pm.. Everyday routine was the same though.
Nevertheless, bestfriends are the best part.. Sylvia, Alviana, Anthianne and Dayang. They're the best.. Even until now, we still contact each other eventhough we were far off because of studies. The five of us now lead different ways..
"hey gurls.. really mish u gurls so much.. I still remember our cheer group. We would cheer out loud in every match except when it was our turn to play..then the boys would continue our role as cheerleaders.. hehe.. That was fun to remember wasn't it?? Then came the most tricky part off all, M.A.R.C.H.I.N.G!! dUHH..!! At first, it was no fun at all coz we havent get use to the weather.. Who would ever think of marching around noon anyway.. But after a few weeks then we were more adaptive.. Still remember miss Fida's shouts of commands and how she went angry because we didnt pay full attention during training.. Then, we would all go to her and make up of all our mistakes.. As a result, she gave us a good time of marching the next day until dinner.. Wow! Tired lorh.. hehe.. After that, we would rush like "Road runner" for our bath, get dress and straight towards our dining hall which was almost close! We deserved it anyway for being naughty..
there was once when the 4 of us plus another 3 others, decided not to go for the praise and worship thingy.. heheh (malas bha.. penat gilak..), we purposely had our bath late that nite and sneak out of the bathroom after everyone had gone outside the gurls dorm territory.. We thought that would be safe since there was no one around.. But we were ABSOLUTELY WRONG..
All seven of us were smiling widely and happy to think that our coaches would not mind checking the dorm.. So we started doing all those stuff we hardly had time to do like, you know, buffing our nails, girls chit chatting, treatmenting our hair (cause' our hair does look outta shape in camp u know..). And it was all fun, fun, fun UNTIL we heard footseps! OmG!! I took a fast glimpse at the clock and it was just 9.30pm.. No way they're done already.
All those cheerie, happy faces went pale blue and everyone tried thinking hard of what they can do to camouflouge theirself from being seen by coach! Hahah! It was awful, i mean the scared faces.. I remembered trying to hide under the bed, but it was suffocating under it since our dorm was hot without the fan on..(sanggup x on kipas, janji jurulatih xtau mekorg ada dlm ya..hihi..)
Back to the story, after the coaches left we gathered all together near the back door with our ears being alert in case they return.. Huhu.. We talked about it then, and decided that was gonna be our last escaping all throughout camp life and we won't do something bad anymore..
And our last night in camp was the most awful moment we really wanted not to exist. We had tears all over the place that night and guess what?? The boys cried more compare to the girls.. Ahaks.. Should grab a pic of that before and put it in here for the memory BUT everyone was to sad to do so..all we had in mind was, "Why should we leave so soon?"
Ahaks.. That was it.. Months after leaving camp, we would still feel like crying everytime we remember our happy days together in camp. Until now, the first anniversary of our batch.. And i believe that this year's first batch would feel the same way too.. They just finish theirs today.. huhu.. I know how u guys feel, but thats it and it stops there.. Just remember though its the end, but the friendship and family bond between the trainees will never end! Miss u all..