Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Little Tips For Big Results... =)
- hormones you develop during puberty can make your ggums more sensitive-and prone to gum disease! Flossing helps get rid of the bacteria that causes gum disease and can also help stop other infections from entering your system. Plus, it fights cavities and keeps your breath kissably fresh!
- if you have cravings to eat but don't feel hungry, guess what? You could be thirsty. Instead of snacking for no reason, drink H2O throughout the day. You'll think better in class too-even a mild case of dehydration affects your memory, math skills, and concentration.
3. TAKE A T-O.
- of course stress is bad, but want to know why? It can cause breakouts, sleep loss, headaches, eating issues, and even diarrhea. But meditating every day can reduce your anxiety, mellow you put about school drama, and even ease PMS symptoms! Twice daily, close your eyes for five minutes, sit quietly, and breath deeply. Just set the alarm on your cell phone so you don't keep checking the clock
- teens need nine hours of sleep a night-which is hard to get when you have practice, homework, and hit guys to IM! but try going to sleep 45 minutes earlier than usual: You'll be more focused at school, get better grades, and feel happier.
- int he darker, shorter days of February and March, soak up every drop of sunlight you can. (it ups your level of serotonin, a mood-boosting hormone.) Put on sunscreen and take in 15 minutes of the sun's rays every day. (They come through even on cloudy days!) If you can't put down the Wii, get dropped off 10 blocks from school so you can walk a bit!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
To My Friends Who Are.....??????
L ove is like a butterfly .
The more you chase it , the more it eludes you.
But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.
2. To My Friends Who are............ NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's "perfect person."
It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
3. To My Friends Who Are............ PLAYBOY/ GIRL TYPE
N ever say "I love you" if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart . Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways...
4. To My Friends Who Are............ MARRIED
Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry ." Not "where are you", but "I'm right here." Not "how could you", but "I understand." Not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are."
5. To My Friends Who Are............ ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but how good you are for each other.
6. To My Friends Who Are............ HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them .
7. To My Friends Who Are............ NAIVE
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, and get hurt but never keep the pain.
8. To My Friends Who Are............ POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
9. To My Friends Who Are............ AFRAID TO CONFESS
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.
10. To My Friends Who Are............ STILL HOLDING ON
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....
11. TO ALL MY FRIENDS.......
My wish for you is a man/woman whose love is honest, strong, mature, never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging, rewarding and unselfish..

Saturday, April 26, 2008
good luck everyone.... :)
For those in schools, mid sem examinations is in another 3 weeks if i'm not mistaken.. So, study smart and be prepared alright.. hehe..
For those taking public examinations this year, how far have you revise?? Haven't?? Well, it's not yet too late to start but you better be quick for time doesn't wait...
To my dear hubby, good luck in your finals for this semester sayang.. I know you can..and i'm always here beside you dear...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Silat?? Who me?? XD
(can u see me?? i'm d only girl performing... huhu..)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Happy 18th Birthday Everly...
Hye there, meet my "adik angkat", Everly Peter Sutar.. She just turn 18 today..
This post is dedicated just for u dear..and it shall always remain in my blog just for u.. May u have a nice birthday this year, an enjoyable moment with your friends and may u succeed in every undertakings in future life.. Though we're far apart, but never shall forget u.. This blog here symbols a present for your 18th birthday.. (hehe..if u want a real one, than have to wait till i get back to sarawak lorh..) Anyway, take care and God Bless You..
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Holistic & Conventional medicine???
HOLISTIC medicine is an approach to health that deals with the patient as a whole and not merely with the physical symptoms of illness. It defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and takes into account the underlying feelings and emotion of an individual in addition to treating the symptoms of his illness.
The holistic approach is used in many alternative forms of therapy such as homeopathy, naturopathy and acupuncture. Holistic practitioners view health as a balance of the mental, emotional, spiritual as well as physical aspects of a person. All these aspects are interrelated and any disharmony is thought to stress the body and perhaps bring about illness. In asition, the mind and body are brought to have a natural capacity to self-regulate toward equilibirium, or "homeostasis", the maintenance of which is the key to good health. Thus, when equilibirium is disrupted, holistic practitioners work in partnership with the patient, focusing on all aspects of his or her life, to restore balance and promote self-healing.
Conventional Western Medicine, in contrast, defines health as an absence of disease. The main causes of illness are considered to be pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, and chemical imbalance in the body. Scientific tests are often used in diagnosis, and drugs and surgery are among the main tools for dealing with health problems.
A common misunderstanding is that holistic medicine only applies to alternative practitioners. In fact, many conventional doctors take a holistic approach, considering patients in the context of their lifestyle and emphasising health education and self-care. Psychiatrist and psychologists also approve the use of holistic principles. On the other hand, not all alyternative therapies are "holistic," nor are they necessarily "unscientific". Some alternative practitioners, for example, might focus only on certain physical symptoms in a way similar conventional doctors. Therapies such as osteopathy and chiropathic, which involves the manipulation of the musculo-skeletal structure,are in many ways as practical and grounded in anatomy and phatology as conventional medicine.
With the growing interest in holistic medicine, many healthcare systems are now moving towards a complementary or integrated approach in medicine. This approach combines the best in mainstream conventional medicine and alternative therapy. For instance, while a conventional doctor with an integrated approach would not only treat symptoms with medication, but also address underlying causes, such as allergic reaction or anxiety, and investigate the patient's emotional makeup. The doctor might suggest counselling as a strategy for coping with asthma attacks, or the purchase of secial bedding to minimize house dust mites if they trigger attacks. A complementary practitioners might prescribe a herbal remedy to relax bronchial muscles, a diet to eliminate food intolerances, acupuncture to restore the flow of energy, or essential oil massages to help the patient relax.
So, how's that?? Does that help?? Do let me know..I'm waiting forward to your response dear..Hope you won't get more confuse after reading this k..
Sunday, April 6, 2008
My Love Ones....
My sister, Michelle Valentina. Born on 14th February 1990. Sometimes she makes me worried with her up and abouts. She's obedient (with me, she is...), BUT MISCHIEVIOUS!!

Now, here's the YOUNGEST PRINCESS in the house.. Gwyn (pronounce as Gwen).. 13 year old sister. Very Very MISCHIEVIOUS.. Gives me headaches all the time..eventhough I'm in Jaybee.. Still remember a few days back, on April Fool, she text me saying she was PREGNANT!! OmG!! She did it so well that I got hooked! Stupid, you almost gave me a HEART-ATTACK sisteR!!
My two nieces, Charlene & Darlene.. Actually 3 of them.. Where's Marlene?? Heheh.. Dunnoe, eating perhaps.. =)
Sharon's eldest daughter, Davon here.. The most CONGEK & BINGKING one of all.. Only speaks CHINESE and no other language.. Duhh..!! Susah lorh ini budak... Hahah.. Belum Christine lagi, that's her younger sister..
Ashton in da house.. The youngest guy in the family so far.. I haven't got Marvin, Aaron and Avril's pix yet.. Maybe later lah k... Rod, someone told me he looks somewhere similar to you.. Maybe, I can't guess either.. hehe..

Jonathan's only daughter, the closest one to me to the extend that she looks more like me compare to her own mum... hehe.. Francesca Joanne is the name.. Call her Chika... Mish u cyg...
So, u might realized that there are mostly girls in my family.. Yup, exactly!! More likely the same with the Japanese monarchy, it's so hard to see male(s) in the family.. Heheh..
My 3 other siblings, Sharon, Charles a.k.a Jeff and Glenn are the most tiresome ones when it comes to taking photo(s). So, I have to arrange an appointment to meet them in person because they are so like minister(s) taking care of the nation.. Cheh! nation lah konon.. Padah jaklah kaki rayau.. Ahaks!!
What Your Hair Says About You..
Experts say that the way you wear your hair during downtime tells a ton about your passion preferences.
Pulled Back in a Ponytail
While it seems like an innocent schoolyard do, ponytail wearers tend to be surprisingly bold between the sheets. "In fact, pulling your hair away from your eyes rather than hiding behind it indicates sexual self-confidence," says Ian Kerner, PhD, author of Be Honest — You're Not That into Him Either.
Hot love tip: You like your lovemaking fast and furious. Surprise your guy (and yourself) by lighting a few candles and slowing down the action long enough to enjoy some extended nooky sessions.
Superstyled — Even at Home
If you always look like you just stepped out of the salon even when you're home alone, you love order and consistency in all of your personal encounters. In fact, says Alan Pease, author of Body Language, you may be happiest when you're orchestrating an erotic encounter rather than following his lead.
Hot love tip: Always being in control may keep you from surrendering to the moment. Tonight, have him blindfold you, so you're forced to lose control — and let him take over.
Wild and Free Hair
Loving your hair's untamed state is a sign that you're comfortable in your own skin. "You're likely to be relaxed about life, love and sex," says Kerner. "You'll let yourself go in bed without fear of getting mussed up." You're happy to do the deed wherever you get the erotic urge.
Hot love tip: Love running your fingers through your own hair? Gestures like that usually mean you're longing to do it to your guy, reveals Kerner. So touch him where you like to be touched, and he'll probably return the favor.
Thrown Up in a Messy Bun
Chances are, you crave glamour in the boudoir. And, says Pease, bun girls really enjoy male attention. "The neck is the most sexual part of a woman's body, so exposing it is a subconscious way of flirting and showing you're available," he notes. Your ideal warm-up includes sipping drinks in a petal-strewn tub and kissing on satin sheets.
Hot love tip: A new guy might think you're high-maintenance, so let him know that his romantic efforts are worth it — once revved, you're capable of rich, sensuous love trysts.
Don't believe me?? Hehe..Just admit it lorh.. Anyway, what's mine huh?? =) Ahaks.. No offence..
Friday, April 4, 2008
Lagu Rindu....
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
How's Exco Gurl goin' on?? xD
Yesterday was unlike any of the other days I've had. I have an assignment to submit AND a proposal to study and retype. I only slept for two hours before I set my fingers on the keyboard and my eyes like glue to the screen at 5 a.m.. I had to submit my assignment before 5 p.m (well, it's the same everywhere) and the proposal should be done before 11 a.m.. What the...!! HES just gave me the proposal on the 31st and he wants it on the 1st of April. What is this?? An April FOoL joke or something??
(buat kira2 lorh.. proposal jak..nothing else kah in this world...)
I didn't even have my breakfast, by 10 a.m my assignment was done. Then to retype the proposal but still have to add in some more ideas. Goshh! This is CRAZYYYYY! Done with the typing thingy by 11 a.m, I rushed to the bathroom to get my bath.. I'm LATE!!!
( to make this thing interesting...??)
Rushed to the office without stopping by for lunch, we headed straight to the meeting room and discussed about it. Phew! My proposal was accepted and for the first time, the MPP's proposal was praise for the effort of making it really show up.. =) Thanx to me, u guys.. We'll be in BIG trouble if I didn't sacrifice my sleeping hours.. Our meeting with the HES make its way until 4p.m..
Then, arrive home at 4.15pm, I had to get ready my presentation on another event which is just around the corner. OmG!! Can't help it, I snooze off unconciously..huhu..until hubby sent me a message..then doze off again until quarter past 6p.m.. Goodness me, I'm LATE AGAIN!!! Thanx to hubby wit' his carrom thingy..but nevermind..
Got scolded by warden because of my late attends.. Hurgh!! Doesn't she ever experience real BUSY-ness... That's it, then at 8 p.m I went to have my dinner (or should I call it bfast + lunch + dinner = brunchinner), I came to realized that it was my first drink and meal for the day.. NO kiding, IT IS my first drink down my throat.. Good Gracious me!! How could I not realize... And yet, I still ran all over the place the whole day.. Can't explain where on earth did I get those energy which keeps me on the go! MY STORY DOESN"T ENDS HERE...
(looking at the calendar to check for the right fix date.. huhu.. BUT my fwens started to advertised my hair lorh... hrmm..banyak hal lah korunk niyh..)
8.30 p.m I rushed from the cafe leaving aten and the others behind enjoying their dinner.. I have another meeting of the day.. Sharp 9 p.m, my exhausted body entered the meeting room and we had our meeting until 11 p.m..
(finally I took my pix because of housemates sure knows how to release my tense... thank gurls....)
(exhausted face lorh...pale and restless.. I'm having panda eyes now.. Oh NO!! need my beauty sleep after this.. kihkih..)
Worhh!! I've had a real hectic day yesterday and I hope I won't have to undergo that situation again. But, I don't think so...huhu...sure enough I'll be busier than that.. hrmm..
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fool guy... Hehehe....
He's my cousin.. hehe.. same age with me.. Although older just a few months than me,but all of us know the story.. heheh.. Cause' it's special..though whacky and funny..
Boy was born on April Fool 19 years ago.. His dad at that time was in the military. At the time of boy's deliverance, his grandma gave his dad a call to tell him of the good news.. Boy's dad was aware of April Fool's Day because boy's grandma is extremely GOOD in jokes so he just laughed and tell her THANKS for the joke and hanged up. Ahaks.. Boy's grandma was mad by then, called him again but the same thing happened.. huehue.. Her final solution was to inform the commandant, and let him inform boy's dad..
You might think that it worked huh?? Kihkihkihkih.... NO! Ahaks.. When the camp commandant got him informed, he laugh and said,
"another april fool trick and the same tactic too..".
The commandant burst out in laughter and said,
"hahah, u moron.. Why believe in Fools Day when ur son is born. Come, let's go to the hospital. You'll see that it's true.."
Upon realizing the real thing, boy's dad packed his stuff and off to the hospital they went.
Hahahahah!! Pity boy lorh.. Until now, everyt 1st April we will sure to remember boy's birthday because of his unique birth day.. heheh